Thursday 21 October 2010

Preliminary task and Class Task. =]

For the Preliminary task i had to create a slow and fast sequence to two separate tracks. ( a slow track and a fast track) by using the same images, and camera shots but just editing the shots in different and contrasting ways.

I kept the camera rolling but had the characters static, I moved the camera in various way;
swaying the camera
spinning whilst holding a hand held camera
track from side to side
constantly keeping the camera static

I focused on moving the camera in new/unique ways. I experiment with exciting and new movements. Some which I later one watched back in the editing suit realised were not as effective as we initially thought.
In the editing suit I added special effects such as changing the colour settings, and adding lighting strikes to the character props.

If I could re do the preliminary task I would have taken more still shots in order to create a vast variety of different locations positions and characters in order to make our short clips more engaging.  From carrying out this short Task i discovered the importance of story boarding because the story boarding for this task was not detailed enough therefore we just experimented which is good, but i think with more planned shots and different angles the short movie would have been more interesting and engaging.

Furthermore i learnt that its VERY important about who you cast to be in your movie/video because the main girl in the video below was very shy at the beginning resulting in it being hard for her to look confident on camera. Therefore when I need to cast my Artist I will look for someone with experience who is confident enough to be on camera.

Below is my fast and slow sequence in a combined short movie

In class we mirrored a famous music video by She and Him called In the Sun. This took a lot of planning and organising with rehearsal times and casting each member of the class with a role to play on or off camera. This task brought the class together. In total it took a huge amount of time with the planning, organising,  researching, filming and editing of our version of the music video this made it clear to me that when I plan, organise, edit and film my music video I must make a clear work timetable in order to balance and use my time on the first half of my media course effectivly. On the whole the class production project was really good, I think the girl cast as our artist was fantastic, but maybe a girl with more confidence and experience in front of a camera would have been more effective.

The Link Below Is Our Class Production:

She and Him - In the Sun

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