Thursday 21 October 2010

Audience Research...


  1. Which Gender are you? (please circle) Male or Female
  2. Which age range do you come under?
3. Listen to song out or ten what would you rate this song out of your terms of enjoyment? _______
4.What is your favourite genre of music? ( please circle )
hip hop
If other please say ________
5.How many times have you been to a music gig, concert or event?
threee times
more than 4 times
6.How do you purchse music?
Ilegal downloads
other _________
7.Listening to this song, which would be more appealing for you to see in an accompaning music video
a narrative/story
random sequences
just the artist
artist and instruments
From carrying out 20 of these questionnaires in New Malden High Street I discovered that the target audience for my artist and her song is as follows:

Both genders in late 20’s to 70’s the younger public and teenagers tended to be more interested in hip hop, rap and metal. Whereas everyone above 25 years old said they loved the song choice and they said this type of music is good to listen to when wanting to relax. 

For question 7 12/20 said they would imagine a narrative to accompany the music, some suggested to include the artist in the narrative yet most said they imagined the artist as being an on looker to someone else's narrative.

From the Rate this song question no young teenagers rated it above 5/10. When I asked them why they said it wasn't their 'style' of music, I therefore discovered that teenagers and young adults tend to like more mainstream music whereas the older/maturer generations were more accepting with the different genres of music they would listen to but the older generation picked folk and country as their top favourite genre or music out of the selection I had given. 

From carrying out this audience research I not only discovered my target audience but from talking to the people and from their ages I decided a simple video with minimalistic make up, natural surroundings, natural beauty and no sexual scenes would be more suitable for my target audience.

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