Friday 21 January 2011

Brainstorm of Names for Artist =] and Equipment list

Original Mood Board

This is my mood board, it has many natural elements such as beach scenes, the sun, trees, heather and water which are things which inspired me to create my country/folk music video. It helped me to think of locations such as the beach and forest scenes. It had a positive influence on my artist in my music video because it inspired me to create a natural image for my young singer.

Time schedule of filming taken out my media film :)

By using these time schedules to stick to throughout my day it helped me to stay or track and stayed focused because i had certain deadlines to reach.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Even more Development of my Digipack AND Postersssss!!

On the weekend I arranged a photo shoot with my artist in order to take photos for advertising her next live performance. After the photo shoot I discovered that some of the photos looked fantastic once they had been edited. And After looking at my Digipack I decided that the some of the new photos would look better in the Digipack rather than the ones i have already edited and chosen.

Here are two of the Posters I Have designed for my artist. I decided to have a natural location ( Richmond Park). I  then  wanted to distort the image by making the background Black and White and keeping the artist in colour which therefore exaggerated her importance and made her stand out to the viewers eye.

I also took some more serious indoors photographs of my artist and I decided this would also be an ideal poster because its very simple, this simplistic photo complements my artist image and reputation of being just about the music and not objectify herself in order to sell her music, she replies on her natural talent.

Below is my developed and final Digipack =] 

These new Photos and the new order which i have placed each Digipack side in is much better. The Edits on the photos are good and I think all the sides complement and link/tie in with each other because they all include either a photograph or an aspect of the artists personality and life in. 

FINISHED EDITING =] =] =] =] =]=]

Today I finished editing my video after weeks of working my socks off i have done it :)
After cross dissolves, wash outs, over laps , video FX , cutting clips, pasting clips, changing the speed of the clips, the colours, tones, syncing the lyrics with the artist, and changing the volume levels plus lots more its finished. Will be uploaded soon!!!!

Might add a short and snappy title and the name of my artist for the beginning of my video. I think i will experiment to see if it ties in with the rest of the video. :)

I hope to Play the video next lesson to my media class to get their views and opinions on my music video.

Monday 10 January 2011

Still editing!! :)

Still editing today, I have decided to change the shots with the artist with the black and white effect into full heightened colour in the future/ present section of the music video to make a clear difference between the beach section and the 'at home' section.

I think this has worked effectivly so far because it grabs the viewers attension becuase of the sudden change. I have also added white wash outs in between the 'at home' shots to fasten the pace of the video to match the sudden quicken in pace of the music.

Only the last verse to edit now! ! :)